Health & Wellness
The nursing staff and wellness committee at Hampton-Dumont Community School District strives to provide comprehensive health services for our students. We promote prevention and wellness while providing access to care for students to stay healthy, safe, and ready to learn. Some of the services provided include but are not limited to:
Identify health concerns by observation and assessment of needs.
Medication management.
Screenings: vision, dental and hearing.
Immunization verification according to state guideline requirements.
Promotion of healthy lifestyles.
Wellness Committee Members
Kathy Zobrist: Co-Wellness Leader & Child Nutrition Director (H-D & CAL)
Jen Koenen: Co-Wellness Leader & Curriculum Director (H-D & CAL)
Trisha Ubben: District Nurse (H-D & CAL)
Leslie Osborn: Teacher (H-D)
Annie Koch: HS Administrative Assistant (H-D)
Carrie Andersen: Teacher (H-D)
Breanna Klein: Nurse Assistant (H-D)
Kathy Lewis: Teacher (H-D)
Danielle Brood: Counselor (CAL)
Robin McKee: CICS Franklin County Service Coordinator
Jim Davies: Volunteer
Nursing Staff