CAL Board of Education
Overview of Board
School Board
The CAL Board of Education is a five-member board of directors. The school board represents the people as the legal body that establishes educational policies and sets goals and objectives for the district. These policies and goals are carried out by the Superintendent and staff under the board's direction.
Board Meetings
Regular board meetings are held on the second (2nd) Thursday of each month. The meetings regularly begin at 5:30 p.m. and are held in the CAL Elementary Learning Lab (CELL) located at the Elementary. Dates and times for Regular Meetings are subject to change if needed.
The board may also hold Special Meetings, Emergency Meetings and Exempt Meetings as needed.
Special Meetings are meetings scheduled outside of the Regular Meeting to take care of items that needed addressed between Regular Meetings. Special Meetings require at least 24 hours of notice.
Emergency Meetings are meetings scheduled outside the Regular Meeting to take care of items that need addressed with less than 24 hours of notice.
Exempt Meetings are meetings that are not required to follow the Chapter 21 open meetings laws. Items that can be addressed during Exempt Meetings are very limited.
Regular, Special and Emergency Meetings are open to the public. Electronic agendas are available on Simbli prior to the meeting.
Agenda Items
The school board meeting agenda is set by the Board President, Superintendent and Board Secretary. Individuals who wish to request an item be placed on the agenda should do so by writing or emailing the Board Secretary at 1441 Gull Ave, Latimer, IA 50452 or
Requests should include name, address, phone number, organization represented, purpose of the item and pertinent background information. To be included on a Thursday night agenda, requests must reach the Board Secretary by noon on the previous Tuesday. Inclusion of items is at the discretion of the Board President and Superintendent.
Term of Office
Board members are elected for full term at a regularly scheduled school election in November, of odd-numbered years and serve for four years. Board members appointed to fill a vacant position will serve until the next scheduled school election. A board member elected to fill a vacancy will serve out the expired term.
Terms for current members end as follows:
Name | Position | Term End |
Beth Podolan | President | 2025 |
Cathy Carlson | Vice President | 2027 |
Joe Campbell | Director | 2027 |
Shon Osborn | Director | 2025 |
Brad Wessels | Director | 2025 |
President and Vice President
The board President and Vice President positions are one year terms and elected at the Annual or Organizational Meeting held in December of each year.
Questions or Concerns
Citizens are encouraged to communicate with CAL staff and board members. If you have a concern, the best place to begin is with those directly involved and responsible, usually at the specific school: the teacher and/or principal. It is there that most problems can be quickly and productively resolved. If questions still remain, contact the Superintendent. And, if you are convinced that further action is required, the board is available to hear your concerns.
Board members contact information is listed on this page.

Beth Podolan - President 641-903-1103 Year Elected: 2017

Cathy Carlson - Vice President 641-456-8173 Year Elected: 2015

Joe Campbell - Board Director 712-210-6788 Year Elected: 2022
Shon Osborn - Board Director 319-601-0052 Year Elected: 2023

Bradley Wessels - Board Director 515-408-4380 Year Elected: 2021

Amanda Heiden - Board Secretary 641-579-6087

Anne Lewis - Board Treasurer 641-579-6087