Last week, Kindergarten kicked off "Read Across Iowa" by reading about strawberries! They did a guided drawing activity, and also got to compare the seeds of other fruits to the seeds of a strawberry. They used their 5 senses to explore each of the fruits and got to taste all of the yummy fruit Mrs. Craighton brought!

1st grade listened to some Apple stories and an Apple farm for read across Iowa and then got to taste test different apples. We tasted pink lady, Granny Smith, red delicious, cosmic crisp, and golden delicious! As a class red delicious was the winner.

On Friday, 5th grade students observed gravity and inertia! They used hot wheels cars and a makeshift racetrack to study how the height and mass of an object influences its motion.

1st grade has been learning about volcanos, fossils, 3 types of rocks so we enjoyed some fun, engaging activities. Used starbursts to make different rocks, made our own fossils, and watched lava in a cup!

1st earned PBIS reward and had blanket and stuffed animal day!

Preschool had SO much fun playing outside!!

4th grade was fortunate enough to have generational dairy farmers visit today to connect what we've been learning to real people and careers! The Hofmeisters visited CAL and did an AMAZING job teaching about how dairy farming has changed over time. Our students had many questions for our visitors to better understand how milk and other dairy products get to them, from farm to table. Thank you so much for coming!

On Friday, 5th grade earned a class PBIS reward! Students were able to use the spheros and VR headsets in the CELL!

1st grade learned about sedimentary (layers formed over time), igneous (formed from heat), and metamorphic ( formed from pressure) rocks. We also were able to explore some sediments (sand and soil) in water and see what happens!

1st grade enjoyed Ag in the classroom last week learning about dairy cows and making milk!

1st grade has been learning about the Earth and its layers. We have used rocks, soil, and clay to look at layers and an egg to represent different layers!

Cell Phone Policy

1st grade valentines party!

The Milk Tasting 🐄🥛 in 4th grade was a hit! Our conversations about selective breading, butterfat content, the food supply chain, and diverse careers in agriculture was topped off with a sampling of different fat contents in milk! We had a mixed review of the best kind of milk, but some of our favorite jobs included veterinarians, who help keep the cows healthy, animal nutritionists, who help create diets for cows to produce the most/ best milk, and food stylists, who help make sure the dairy products look 'good enough to eat' for advertisements!🧀🍦

1st grade has been talking about adjectives. We got to eat grapes and starbursts and then describe them!

5th graders created shields while learning about Don Quixote, a fictional story of a man who believed he was a knight. In this unit, students were tasked with developing a persuasive essay to convince their readers of their opinion. Just like Don Quixote, these students are ready to defend their ideas with courage and creativity!

1st grade enjoyed celebrating 100th day of school with building with 100 cups, 100 cubes, painting 100 dots, and eating a 100 day snack!

1st grade enjoyed celebrating 100th day of school with building with 100 cups, 100 cubes, painting 100 dots, and eating a 100 day snack!

1st grade enjoyed celebrating 100th day of school with building with 100 cups, 100 cubes, painting 100 dots, and eating a 100 day snack!

Kindergarten celebrated their 100th day of school by making crowns, doing a coloring page, and counting to 100 for the very first time. We also got to do a "100 licks" challenge where we got tootsie pops and had to figure out if our lollipop would last for 100 licks!