After exploring Canva during Innovation Club this week, 2nd grade students began creating and designing a postcard containing their own volcano research using Canva.

5th grade science has been learning about earth’s systems, how the energy in animals’ food was once energy from the sun, and about the movement of matter among plants, animals, decomposes, and the environment. They have been using ecosystem card sets to figure out food chains and webs involving the organisms of specific ecosystems. It has been fun to see how there can be multiple connections, how many creatures depend on each other, and how ALL of the food ‘energy’ can be traced back to the sun!

5th grade ecosystem food chains and webs!

5th grade braved the wind and cooler temperatures to work on cleaning off garden beds this morning!

More pictures of 1st grade of science with light

1st grade used flashlights again in science today. We talked about opaque (no light through), transparent (all light through) and translucent (some light through) today with different objects!

1st grade used some big letter cards as a class to spell different words in reading today!

Today 1st grade spent time sorting images of their parachutes in groups. They sorted them in different ways: Successful Parachutes versus Unsuccessful Parachutes. Long Strings versus Short Strings. After discussing as a group, we came to the conclusion that the parachutes that worked the best had strings in the corners and had parachutes that stayed open. Next Innovation Club, students are going to do a final sketch of a parachute they would design based on what they have learned from watching multiple parachute tests!

More pictures of 4th grade using Block coding while participating in an addition game!

Earlier in the year, 6th grade students were challenged with creating an informational poster that could clearly display information about aquaponics. We wanted to be able to hang these by our aquaponics systems to teach others what was happening. Using Canva, students created posters. Then as a class we discussed which ones best displayed the information. We talked about backgrounds, images, information and eventually chose these 2 designs to be turned into large posters on display!

Earlier in the year, 5th grade students were challenged with creating an informational poster that could clearly display information about aquaponics. We wanted to be able to hang these by our aquaponics systems to teach others what was happening. Using Canva, students created posters. Then as a class we discussed which ones best displayed the information. We talked about backgrounds, images, information and eventually chose these 3 designs to be turned into large posters on display!

More dodgeball pictures!

1st grade earned their next PBIS award and we enjoyed dodgeball outside in the wind today!

2nd grade is preparing to publish some of their writing in social studies. To do this, they are going to use Canva. In Innovation Club, part of our computer science standards is learning about how to use different types of software. Today, 2nd graders got to explore how to use an app, a type of software, called Canva! They got to design a postcard with their name on it, add images about themselves, add backgrounds, etc. Look for photos of their finished products to come!

3rd grade is continuing to explore force in Innovation Club. 3rd graders were challenged to create a maze for a marble. They can only move the marble through the maze using magnetic force. We will share our designs next Innovation Club. Then students are going to connect their mazes together to form a giant maze.

4th Grade played an awesome addition game with our Sphero Bolts! They worked on coding an algorithm, troubleshooting and debugging, as well as their multi-digit addition with regrouping skills!

More sun and shadow pictures of 1st

1st grade discussed sun and shadows today in science!

3rd graders ponder what forces are at work when observing "the floating paperclip."
Words to consider: gravity, pull, balanced, magnetic force
**students drew diagrams to assist when explaining their thinking

More photos of 2nd grade working hard to make french fries and mashed potatoes!